Wednesday 28 August 2019

Top Homeopathic medicine for typhoid fever


Hello Everyone Today we will discuss Top homeopathic medicine for typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is caused by salmonella typhi bacteria. If you want to know more about typhoid fever here is my previous blog link→ Typhoid fever

Symptoms of typhoid fever

DEFINITION: - Typhoid fever is a systemic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi also know as s. typhi. Salmonella enterica serotype paratyphi( s. paratyphi) A, B, C, cause the clinical similar condition know as paratyphoid. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever collectively referred to as enteric fever.

In India, typhoid fever is a major public health problem because of poor sanitation, lack of safe drinking water supply and low socioeconomic condition. That's why in India there is lots of case of typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is usually observed throughout the year.  

So, Here is Top homeopathic medicine for typhoid fever.

1.Baptisia Tictorium:-

Baptisia tinctorium is the most prescribed medicine for fever especially typhoid fever. Fever of baptisia has characteristic peculiarities. Fever decrease in day and increase in the night with a dull headache. Deep sleep with a frightful dream. Restlessness in bed. The most characteristic mental symptom is he trying to collect his body's scattered pieces in bed. 

2. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is used for typhoid fever as mother tincture or low potency. Fever of eucalyptus is relapsing or intermittent. Eucalyptus pt has odorous sweat. Fever with coryza, dull headache, and sore thought. Pt has also vomiting with diarrhea. Bleeding may occur in the latter stage of typhoid fever.

3. China Officinalis

China Officinalis is used for typhoid fever as well as malaria fever. Fever that comes in intervals. During fever, the skin is sensitive and painful. The headache of china fever is bursting in nature that relived by hard pressure. Especially suited for the history of hemorrhage(recently or past). Pt. of china is artistic or love of beauty.

4. Lachesis 

Lachesis is used for cerebral typhoid fever. Lachesis is also used for hemorrhagic typhoid fever. The tiredness of body, heaviness in the head, diarrhea and vomiting, and Intermittent fever. Typhoid fever with tossing delirium and mania. Symptoms of Lachesis is worse in summer and spring. Very much talkative even in weakness.

5. Sulphuric acid 

Sulphuric acid is useful for obstinate intermittent typhoid fever. After the attack of fever spleen will be enlarged and painful. Profuse perspiration during or after fever. Chills during fever. Sulphuric acid is also useful for hemorrhagic typhoid fever. Sulphuric pt is restlessness and irritable.

6. Belladonna 

Belladonna fever is peculiar characteristics. Typhoid Fever with Sharpe headache. Belladonna also prescribed for cerebral symptoms like delirium in the early stage of fever. Pt also suffers from diarrhea. Bodyache with lethargy and cold feet. In the stage of fever, there is a reddish spot seen on the abdomen.

7. Bryonia alba

Bryonia alba is also prescribed for typhoid fever. There are typical mind symptoms of Bryonia alba that pt wants to go home even he is at home already, delirium all day, and want to escape. Intermittent fever, tongue coated, the face is red and swollen, and thirst for large quantities of water.

8. Rhus Tox

Rhus Tox is useful in every stage of typhoid fever. Fever with rheumatic pain that worse on continues sitting or the first move. Pt has disturbed anxious sleep with frightful dreams. Fever with diarrhea. Pt is very Restlessness, wants to walk continue and can not seat in one position. Pt wants to cover all the time. The tongue is dry, red, and smooth. 

So this is all about Top homeopathic medicine for typhoid fever.

If you want to buy homeopathic medicine here is a link.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for kidney stone | 2019

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for kidney stone

Hello everyone In this post we will discuss top homeopathic medicines for kidney stone before we start if you want to know all about kidney stone please read my previous blog here All you need to know about kidney stone | 2019

Location of kidney stone

Nowadays kidney stone is very common complaints in young patient because of lack of physical activity and dietary habit. In USA 60,00,000 are suffer from urinary stone every year. In India, about 12% of the population suffer from a kidney stone and may end up with the loss of kidney function. 

In allopathy there are only a few medicines for kidney stone removal otherwise they alway advise for surgery. India is a low economic country so the poor can not afford the surgery.

In the new era of homeopathy, there is a very high scope for the removal of kidney stone with the help of appropriate homeopathic medicine. Nowadays people are converted from allopathy to homeopathy in a large number because of the lack of side effect and easy to use the medicine.

Here is Top Homeopathic medicine for kidney stone.


Berberis vulgaris is the most prescribed medicine for kidney stone on lest side. Berberis vulgaris is 1st choice of medicine is kidney stone. The characteristic pain of kidney stone is a pain in the left kidney region that radiates to ureter and bladder. Nature of pain is shooting, stitching, cutting or stinging. Pain is aggravated by motion and jerking. Kidney region is sensitive to touch and urine is yellow. Buy Berberis Vulgaris Here by Germany Dr. Reckeweg


Lycopodium clavatum is a great choice of drug for right side kidney stone. Pain in the right kidney and right ureter. Pain is aggravated before urination. The pain may subside after passing urine. Urine is scanty, red sediment may appear in the urine. Buy Lycopodium Here | Best Buy Link


Hydrangea arborescens are also known as a stone breaker. Hydrangea is very useful to crush urinary stone. Characteristic of symptoms is a white deposit or yellow sand in urine. Soreness in kidney region blood may present in urine.


Sarsaparilla Officinalis use in the case of excessive burning at the close of urination. Urine is scanty and sand particles may present. Sarsaparilla is mostly prescribed for right side kidney stone.


Cantharis vesicatoria is used when there is intense burning while passing urine. The burning sensation is present before and after urination. Pain in the kidney region with an urge to pass urine. Unsatisfactory urination. Urine may contain jelly-like mucus.


Ocimum con. can be used for kidney stone on the right side. Pain with nausea/vomiting. Color of urine is red/saffron, burning while urination and restlessness.


Pareira brava is wonderfull medicine for kidney stone. Characteristic of medicine is a pain is radiating from kidney to thigh and may extend to feet. The constant urge for urination. Pain at glance of the penis while urinating. Urine is red or stingy mucus may be seen.

So, This is all about top homeopathic medicine for kidney stone.

I use my own homeopathic formula for kidney stone. I get a marvelous result on my patient.
Here is some proof of kidney stone removed by my homeopathic formula. If you want to buy my formula than contact me:- +91 9913375786  or   E-mail me 

Friday 26 July 2019

Psoriasis : Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | 2019

Psoriasis : Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | 2019

Psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory condition of the skin that causes rapid accelerate of skin cell. The skin of psoriasis is looked like scales, red and patchy which are extremally itchy, painful and some time discharge may come out.

Sing and symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that reoccurs many time, so because of this reason, our main aim is to control the growth of the skin.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition so, there is no complete cure is possible but you may control your symptoms by some lifestyle changes and medication.

According to the appearance of scales and their location psoriasis is dived in different types.


The number of cases of psoriasis is increasing day by day. That mainly due to our diet habit. In the USA 8 million people have psoriasis.

According to the world psoriasis day consortium, 2 to 3% (125 million) of the total population worldwide have psoriasis.

Age:- Psoriasis can be developed at the age of 15 to 45 but can develop at any age.

Psoriasis Causes

There is still research are ongoing for particular causes of psoriasis. Some scientist indicates that the main cause of psoriasis is autoimmune but some say that there is a combination of autoimmune with trigger factor or lifestyle. The main problem is with T-cell of our body.

Main Function of T-cell in our body is to fight again foreign cell or substance to protect our body.

In psoriasis, because of Autoimmune disease T-cell mistakenly attack our healthy skin cell. So, this overreaction of T-cell causes more production of skin cell to that particular part of the body that leads to more T-cell, WBC and RBC are conjoint together at affected part of the body. More cell of skin needs more blood supply and so because of more blood supply that affected part becomes red, swollen and sometimes pus may come out.

Triggers of psoriasis

Triggers of psoriases also play an important role. The symptoms of psoriasis become worsen due to some triggers.
  • Another autoimmune disease ( HIV)
  • Strep Infection Know more
  • Smocking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Beta-blocker medication, Anti-malarial Drug
  • Incised wound, cut, surgery
  • Vit. D Deficiency 

Risk Factor of Psoriasis

2.Family History

Types of psoriasis

➤ Plaque Psoriasis is the commonest form of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis can occur anywhere in the body with the lesion of one or few. Characteristics of plaque psoriasis are dry, redness, and silvery scales which are painful.

➤ Guttate Psoriasis affects mainly to young adult and children. Guttate Psoriasis is always followed by some bacterial infection like strep throat. Peculiarities of Guttate Psoriasis is a small, scaling lesion on the trunk, arm, and legs.

➤ Inverse Psoriasis affects mainly on the covered area like armpit, under breast, groin, genital. Because of friction and sweating. Inverse psoriasis characteristics are smooth, redness, inflamed skin. Inverse psoriasis is followed by any fungal infection.

➤ Pustular psoriasis is common among in adult. which localized a smaller part of the body like hand and feet. Pustular psoriasis looks like pus-filled blister, inflamed and redness of the skin.

➤ Erythrodermic Psoriasis is due to stopping of existing psoriasis treatment. Erythrodermic psoriasis is very rare but life-threatening diseases because of its complication such as heart failure and pneumonia. Characteristic of erythrodermic is undefined edges, peeling of the skin, severe itching and pain.

Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis symptoms are very characteristic different from person to person. Symptoms of psoriasis mainly depend on the type of psoriasis. some common symptoms are as follow

➜ Redness around the skin
➜ Severe itching
➜ Painful lesion
➜ Plaques on the affected area
➜ Burning sensation
➜ Dryness and cracked skin
➜ Discoloration and pitting of nails
➜ Inflammation and stiffness of joints

Diagnosis of Psoriasis

The physician can make some physical examination to detect any redness, plaque, and dead skin to identify psoriasis.

The physician may advise for biopsy test to rule out bacterial infection and confirmation of diagnosis.

Complication Of Psoriasis

There are a number of complications of psoriasis are as follow:-

  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Stress
  • Diabetes know more here
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Kidney disease

Treatment of Psoriasis

There is the number of treatment method are available for psoriasis. Treatment of psoriasis mainly depends on the type of psoriasis. For better understanding, I will divide into 3 part which is as follow.

1.Topical Treatment

Your physician prescribes some topical ointments for relieving burning sensation, inflammation, and slow down of growth of skin cell. There is a wide range of topical ointment are freely available.

  • Corticosteroids:- This is commonest and frequently used corticosteroids for the treatment of psoriasis. They treat mild to moderate psoriasis. Topical corticosteroids are short term therapy because if you use for a longer time than your skin become resistant to that particular steroids and on later stage they not respond properly.

  • Retinoids:- This is derivatives of Vitamin A. This is useful for the slow down growth of skin cell. They also reduce inflammation and itching

  • Vitamin D:- Most of the Physician prescribes Vit.D with corticosteroids. Vitamin D helps in slowing down of growth skin cell, remove scales, and plaques of psoriasis.

  • Salicylic Acid is widely used in the tropical treatment of any skin disease. Salicylic acid is freely available on medical store with or without combination. The physician may prescribe salicylic acid with corticosteroids. Salicylic acid removes the skin cell and decreases the scaling of the skin.

  • Moisturizer is add on therapy in psoriasis. However, moisturizer alone can not treat psoriasis but they can help in reducing itching and dryness.

2. Systemic Medication

In severe psoriasis or if a large area is infected than a physician can advise taking orally or injectable medication.

  • Methotrexate is used to decrease the production of new skin cell and heal inflammation. The physician starts methotrexate with a low dose and gradually increase the dose. There is some side effect of methotrexate is liver damage and damage to bone marrow, because of this side effect the production of RBC and WBC also decrease.

  • Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A which is used for severe psoriasis but you should also know the side effect of retinoids i.e, hair loss and inflammation of lips. Retinoids should not use in pregnant women or planning to be pregnant because retinoids can cause the birth defect.  If women are on treatment on retinoids than she should avoid pregnancy for at least 3 years.

  • Cyclosporine is similar to methotrexate both work on to suppress the immune system. Long therapy of cyclosporine should be avoided because of its side effect. Cyclosporine suppresses the immune system and that's why our body becomes more prone to infection, cancer, and high blood pressure.

  • Biologics:- These are a group of biologics medicine to treat severe psoriasis. Some are as follow 1. Infliximab 2. adalimumab 3. etanercept 4. apremilast 6.golimumab etc. Most are injectable and has a high risk of side effect.

3. Light therapy:- In this therapy, can use natural as well as artificial ultraviolet light therapy. Natural light therapy includes sunlight and in artificial include ultraviolet A and B., we can use both combinations or singly.

4. Home remedies and lifestyle changes for psoriasis:- Lifestyle changes may help in to improve damaged skin and you feel better. There is some point to improve in life for psoriasis.

  • Use moisturizer
  • Bath daily
  • Expose to some part of the skin to sunlight
  • Avoid Triggers of Psoriasis
  • Avoid Alcohol drinking Addiction killer herbal

Home remedies for psoriasis 

Natural remedies for psoriasis can be used along with traditional treatment. Here are some natural home remedies that help along with traditional treatment.

1)Apple Cider vinegar Buy Best Vinegar
2)Aloe Vera Best buy here
5)Tea tree oil Buy here
7)Dead sea salt  Best sea salt
8)Mahonia aquifolium 

List of homeopathic remedies for psoriasis

1. Arsenic alb
2. Graphites 
3. Psorinum
4. Arsenic Iodatum
5. Sulphur
6. Petroleum
7. Sepia succus
8. Merc sol

Dr. Amin Bayad

Sunday 14 July 2019

Hemorrhoids | causes, symptoms & treatment | home remedies | 2019


Hemorrhoids is defining as enlarged/inflamed/swollen veins of the anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids are also called as Piles. Hemorrhoids are of the two types 1. Internal Hemorrhoids 2. External Hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids condition is very similar to the varicose vein. Hemorrhoids are extremally painful but easily treated and also hemorrhoids are preventable if follow proper diet and advice of physician to change lifestyle.

If hemorrhoids are untreated than pain become severe and get worse over time that's why many physicians suggest that they should treat (ASAP)as soon as possible.

Women are more prone to get hemorrhoids when they are pregnant. Some pt may feel better while taking home remedies of hemorrhoids but when the pain becomes worse physician always advice for surgery.

According to research conduct by The Rajiv Gandhi University Of  Health, Science India has 40,723,288 cases of hemorrhoids. Every year a minimum of one million cases is reported.

In India there are lots of cases are reported of hemorrhoids so, in the next section, we will discuss what are the causes of hemorrhoids.

Causes of Hemorrhoids 

Pressure on the veins(around the anus) can causes hemorrhoids. so hemorrhoids develop due to following reasons

1. Pregnant:- In pregnancy, the uterus becomes enlarge and make pressure on the vein of the anus and lower rectum.

2. Chronic diarrhea

3. Chronic Constipation:-  Constipated person force more to move stool that puts more pressure on blood vessels of anus and rectum.

4. Age:- More common in between 30 to 60 years

5. Heavy lifting

6. Obesity:- Person who take low fiber diet and obese

7. Sedentary life

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are two types of Hemorrhoids

1. Internal Hemorrhoids:- Internal Hemorrhoids are at inside the rectum that you can not see or feel them. The pain of Internal piles is very mild or minimal because there are only a few sensory nerves. Bleeding is only one sing for Internal hemorrhoids.

2. External Hemorrhoids:- External Hemorrhoids are at under the skin of anus you can generally feel external hemorrhoids because there is more sensory nerve at that point.

hemorrhoids type

If Inflammation is increased than hemorrhoids may prolapse and bulge come outside the anal canal you can easily see them they are very painful and you can not seat prolapse.

Usually, Prolapsed Hemorrhoids go back by its own way but sometimes you may need to push them gently to back in place.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

  • Itching and irritation in the anus
  • Pain
  • Swelling around the anus
  • Bleeding, Some time painless bleeding
  • A hard lump like sensation 

Complication of Hemorrhoids

  • Blood clots:- Painfull Condition due to blood clots 
  • Strangulated Hemorrhoids:- If Blood supply is Cease than strangulated hemorrhoids are formed and strangulated hemorrhoids are very painful.
  • Anemia:- Chronic Blood loss due to bleeding piles can cause anemia

Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids 

  • Physical examination:-  the doctor  insert lubricated gloved finger in anus to detect size and position of hemorrhoids 
  • The physician may insert Anoscope for better viewing of anus and rectum for internal bulge or piles.
  • Sigmoidoscopy:- Sigmoidoscopy is useful for to look lower colon or sigmoid. Sigmoidoscope is a flexible viewing tube with a camera.
  • Colonoscopy

Prevention of Hemorrhoids

For the prevention of hemorrhoids, our main aim is to soften stool so that can easily pass without any discomfort to anus and colon.

Diet:- Eat high fiber diet/foods, High fiber have come from fruits, vegetable, and whole grains. Increase fiber to your diet gradually to avoid the gas problem. Normally 20 to 30 grams per day of fiber in the diet is necessary.

Drink plenty of six to eight glass of water a day 

Strain:- Don't Strain or hold breath during defecation because that creates pressure on veins of the anus and leads form hemorrhoids.

Use the toilet when needed. don't hold your pressure too much.

Don't sit or stand too long.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the severity of symptoms. There are some home remedies are very useful to treat hemorrhoids naturally. 

Home remedies for hemorrhoids 

Before we start the discussion of home remedies of hemorrhoids I will suggest to those ladies who are pregnant please consult your physician before trying this home remedies of hemorrhoids.

1. High Fiber Diet:- I already mention this in this blog under the section of prevention of hemorrhoids. You should increase fiber in the diet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the main source of fiber. Fiber helps to soften the stool.

2. Warm water soak or sitz bath:- warm water will relieve the pain and burning sensation and can ease in passing the stool. Sitz bath is available in some pharmacy that fits over the toilet. Buy Sitz Bath here

3. Pain Reliever:-  Use household painkillers for temporary relief of the discomfort of symptoms.

4. Topical Ointments are also available with ayurvedic preparation that help to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Homeopathic Medicine for hemorrhoids

1. AESCULUS:- This remedy is especially suitable to the form of hemorrhoids arising from portal congestion, abdominal plethora. They may or may not bleed, but there is feeling in the rectum as of a splinter or stick. Dryness, burning, and itching is a good indication.

2. Pulsatilla:- It is one of the best remedies in hemorrhoids after aesculus. Passive congestion and dyspeptic troubles are the keynotes. Hemorrhoids that bleed easily. Painfull protruding piles with smarting and soreness.

3. Collinsonia:- In fact no remedy can equal Collinsonia in obstinate case of hemorrhoids, which bleed almost incessantly. it is of special use in females with the inertia of rectum and congestive tendency to the pelvic organ. Its suites pregnant women who suffer from piles. Sansation of the stick in the rectum. 

4. Hamamelis:- It has bleeding hemorrhoids, and the flow of blood is quite copious, and the great characterizing indication is excessive soreness with burning, fullness, and weight. Back feels like as if it will break. 

5. Aloe;- This is also the most useful hemorrhoids remedy. It is indicated where the piles protrude like a bunch of grapes, bleeding often and profusely, and are greatly relieved by the application of cold water. there is marked burning ion anus the bowel feel as if scraped.

Medication and surgical procedure of hemorrhoids

Your doctor may prescribe some ointments with medicine. Ointments mainly contain is hydrocortisone with pain-relieving substance.

Medication for constipation to ease in defication.

Minimal invasive surgery:-Physician may advice of minimal invasive surgery for hemorrhoids if your hemorrhoids are painful and frequent bleeding.
  1. Rubber band ligation:- Main aim of rubber ligation is to cut off circulation. The physician put a rubber band around the hemorrhoids with a speacial tool. So because of blood circulation stop than hemorrhoids will dry, shrink and finally fall off.
      2. Cauterization:- In this technique surgeon use a laser or infrared light to burn hemorrhoids.

      3. Injection;- Physician can also inject a chemical solution for shrunken off hemorrhoids.

Surgical procedure 

If hemorrhoids worsen or severe pain then the doctor may advise for surgical removal of hemorrhoids. There is two types of the surgical procedure are available for removal of hemorrhoids.
1.Hemorrhoidectomy and 2. Hemorrhoid stapling.

Dr. Amin Bayaad
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Tuesday 2 July 2019

What is appendicitis ? | causes, symptoms, and treatment | 2019


Hello everyone 

Today's blog is all about appendicitis. The appendix is a small pouch(finger shaped) situated at the lower right side of the abdomen( Right iliac region). The exact location of the appendix is at the junction of the small intestine and large intestine.

location of appendicitis

The function of the appendix is still in doubt that some scientists believe that appendix is the storehouse of good bacteria that release after the attack of diarrhea but some scientists say that there is no any function of the appendix and its useless part of our body.

Definition of Appendicitis 

Appendicitis is defined as inflammation of the appendix. One should always know that appendicitis is a medical emergency if untreated than it will burst or rupture and spread infection in the abdomen. This can lead to inflammation of the peritoneum(peritonitis)and that can be fatal and need emergency treatment with higher antibiotics.


Thre exact define cause of appendicitis is unknown some scientists believe that there is an obstruction of appendix lead to form infection inside and become swollen and painful.

Obstruction of appendix leads to multiplying of bacteria and the formation of pus and swelling occur. So because of the formation of pus sever pain starts at the lower right abdomen.


Classical symptoms of appendicitis 
  1. Initially pain at the upper abdomen later pain shift to the lower abdomen and become severe.
  2. loss of appetite
  3. vomiting/nausea
  4. fever
  5. cramps
  6. constipation or diarrhea 

Symptoms, prevention, and location of appendicitis


The abdomen has lots of organ in it and all are important for body function so, on the basis of abdominal pain, there is lots of reason or etiology are suspected there for diagnosis of appendicitis is tricky. Your doctor may advise below investigation to rule out the exact cause of abdominal pain.

  • Abdominal examination for tenderness and inflammation
  • Urine test
  • Rectal examination
  • Complete blood count
  • USG of abdomen 
  • CT-scan


  1. Urinary tract infection
  2. Gastroenteritis
  3. Urolithiasis
  4. Ectopic pregnancy
  5. crohn's disease 


Line of treatment is varying according to the severity of appendicitis. The physician may recommend the following line of treatment. 
  • Liquid diet
  • Analgesic
  • Antibiotics
  • IV- fluids
  • Needle drainage of abscess
  • Surgical removal of the appendix (Appendectomy) 

In most of the case of appendicitis, the physician advises for surgical removal of the appendix for safe side.

Appendectomy is the best option for appendicitis rather than antibiotics therapy. There are two types of the surgical procedure are available for an appendectomy.

1. Open surgery:- In this type of surgery surgeon can incise abdomen about 2 to 4 inch at McBurney's point to remove the appendix. 

2. Laparoscopic surgery:- In laparoscopic surgery surgeon can incise a few small opening in the abdomen and insert a very small robotic line with a camera and remove the appendix. This minimum invasive surgery can fasten the recovery so nowadays all the surgeon recommended laparoscopic surgery.


1. Peritonitis:- If untreated than appendix may rupture and releases the pus in the abdominal cavity, that leads to infection of peritoneum( peritonitis)

2. Perforation
3. Appendicular Abcsess
4. Surgical wound infection


Saturday 15 June 2019

What is URTI ? | Symptoms and treatment | 2019

HI EVERYONE hopes you all are well. today's topic is a very common problem of everyone that is cold, so here I m presenting you a blog about upper respiratory tract infection in simple and short form hope you will get benefits from this blog and please share and comments your opinion.


Upper respiratory tract infection is the most common infection in OPD and most common transmission of URTI is through inhalation and direct contact.

The virus is the commonest etiology of URTI but bacterial infection also causes URTI.

types of URTI

There are Four (4) type of Upper respiratory tract infection.


Common cold and influenza caused by a virus and it's most common in URTI. Influenza means a severe form of the common cold caused by the influenza virus. There is a new virus which is taken in the form of pandemic (swine flu).

The virus that is causing common cold infection.

1) Influenza virus
2) Picornaviruses
3) Respiratory syncytial virus
4) Parainfluenza virus
5) Adenovirus

Clinical feature: - Sing and symptoms

  • Sneezing, rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Non-productive cough
  • Headache and pain in the eye
  • Fever
  • Conjunctivitis, laryngitis
  • Skin rash
  • Postnasal discharge
  • Erythema around nose
  • Pharynx congested
  • Tonsillitis
  • Lymph node enlarges and tender


  1. Nasal pharyngeal swab
  2. Throat swab
  3. Real-time polymerase chain reaction
  4. Culture test


The common cold is usually treated by symptomatic and supportive treatment
Bed rest and adequate fluid
  • Anti-cholinergic spray (ipratropium)
  • Nasal decongested (xylometazoline)
  • Saline nasal drop
  • In the case of influenza
  • The household spread of disease should be controlled
  • Isolation of pt. in well ventilated isolation room
  • Anti-viral drug e.g. Oseltamivir should start to treat and prevent severe illness
  • Anti-viral prophylaxis should be provided to a health care professional

  • Supportive therapy
  1. Intravenous fluid
  2. Parenteral nutrition
  3. Oxygen therapy
  4. Ventilator support ( if need)
  5. Anti-biotic for secondary infection
  6. Vasopressor for shock
  7. Aspirin and salicylate medication is contraindicated in influenza(Reyes syndrome)
  8. Pt. should monitor for secondary bacterial infection


Rhinitis is defined as inflammation of the membranous lining of the nose.

There are two types of rhinitis
  1. Allergic rhinitis
  2. Non allergic rhinitis

1) Allergic rhinitis is occurring when contact allergen and due to contact of allergen there will be an inflammation of the membranous lining of the nose. Inflammation is due to immunoglobulin E mediate.

After exposed to allergen pt. has symptoms of sneezing, itching, clear rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion, obstruction appears after 4 to 6 hour of exposure.

The main cause of acute infectious rhinitis is a virus. If acute infectious rhinitis is not treated then there will be an increasing chance of secondary bacterial infection in which pt. have mucopurulent nasal discharge, facial pain and fever may present.

2)Nonallergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inner part of the nose that is not caused by an allergen and without infection

Sing and symptoms are as follow
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Rhinorrhoea
  • Exacerbated by certain alcohol, spicy food and emotion.
  • Environmental factor such as temperature, barometric pressure, bright light can aggravate

  1. Anti-histamine for itching and sneezing (cetirizine/fexofenadine)
  2. Corticosteroids
  3. WHO recommended using a combination of anti-histamine and anti-leukotriene
  4. Topical corticosteroids (such as budesonide, mometasone and beclomethasone provide relief to pt.
  5. Rhinorrhoea relieving drug may cause sedation due to systemic absorption.


Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx, hypopharynx, uvula, and tonsil due to virology. Pharyngitis caused by a group of Alfa-beta hemolytic streptococci. Most common in children (4 to 6 years)

Clinical feature
  1. Throat discomfort
  2. Odynophagia
  3. Cough
  4. Fever, headache, malaise, and myalgia
  5. Tonsillopharyngeal erythema
  6. Foul smelling
  7. Swollen and tender cervical lymph node
  8. Conjunctivitis and maculopapular rash

Diagnosis: -  Throat swab culture reviled the viral infection or bacterial. Serological test also help.

  • Viral pharyngitis is self-limiting diseases which resolve spontaneously.
  • Anti-viral may require in some case
  • Symptomatic treatment


Sinusitis is defined as inflammation of Paranasal sinuses

  1. Anatomic abnormalities of osteomas complex(e.g. deviated nasal septum, concha bullosa, and bone spurs)
  2. Allergic rhinitis
  3. Nasal polyps
  4. Nasotracheal, nasogastric intubation
  5. Tumour causing obstruction
  6. Dental surgery
  7. Recurrent URTI
  8. Cystic fibrosis
  9. Tobacco smoking

Clinical feature
  • Symptoms of sinusitis are frequent and persistence even after the common cold subsides.
  • Nasal congestion
  • Headache fever
  • Facial pain
  • Headache is increasing when bending forward
  • In chronic sinusitis pain and fever are rarely present
  • Nasal obstruction, purulent nasal discharge, postnasal drip
  • Chronic cough

Diagnosis of sinusitis
  1. Nasal Endoscopy
  2. Radiography of Paranasal sinus
  3. CT scan

Management of sinusitis
  • Controlling of predisposing factor
  • Symptomatic treatment
  • Antibiotic
  • Nasal decongestant(xylometazoline)
  • Surgery is recommended for chronic sinusitis, recurrent sinusitis, large obstructive polyp, and tumor.